Matthieu LEGER – Artist

Matthieu LEGER artist

Coming from France and born in 1986, I am Matthieu LEGER, a great lover and amateur of art. When I am speaking about this domain, I am thinking about paintings, watercolors, music, photography, and sculptures.

With music, in 2000's, I started by playing and studying French Horn before composing for this instrument and then for orchestras. In 2002, I learnt piano for 4 years before playing organ in 2008. In 2020, with my passion for brass music, I decided to learn playing trumpet and cornet.

With paintings, it was with oil on canvas in 1999 with a picture representing the British parliament. Then, I developed my drawing's skills with new materials (pencils, pastels, charcoals and watercolors) and covering new themes (portraits, landscapes, animals,...).

But I was always interested by traveling. When I started that, I decided to practice photography. With this passion, it became a great source of inspiration for my own compositions and my paintings.

With this blog, I decided to share with you my own passions and creation.


My domains of Excellence

Being always interested in testing new artistic techniques, this allowed me to develop areas of Excellence. First, I started painting in oils. Then, it was the composition from 2000. Then, it was the turn of the photography. Finally, from 2019, I became interested in watercolor, India ink, charcoal and pastel.

Pictural art

Adoring painters such as Rembrandt or Dali, from the age of 14, I began to practice drawing and painting.

To learn more, please click below.

Sculptures & Models

The realization in 3D of monuments or people who have always shaped me, I practice model making and sculpture.

To find out more, please click below.


Passionate about travel, this activity allowed me to discover and practice photography.

To find out more, please click below.

Music & compositions

Starting with the practice of the horn at 8 years old then the piano and organ, I was quickly interested in the composition.

To find out more, please click below.

My last creations & photos

My inspirations as artist

Since my youngest age, I have always been interested in exploring our planet but especially our European continent with its different cultures and countries. Thanks to these trips, I have been able to explore several museums such as the Vatican, the Louvre, the Bristish museum, the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg. Those museums allowed me to approach the works of great masters such as Rembrandt, Da Vinci, Goya, Dalí, Caravaggio... These were great lessons for me.

With these adventures, I practiced photography which allowed me to learn how to compose a scene, to master the play of colors and lights. This helped me a lot for painting, watercolor and drawing.

Being so passionate about music, these trips allowed me to discover local composers (Igor Stravinsky, Ludwig van Beethoven, John-Sebastian Bach, Richard Strauss, Antonín Dvořák, Dimitri Shostakovich, Béla Bartók, Edvard Grieg, Charles Camilleri,...) but also local music and folklore which helped me a lot for the development and the realization of my compositions (Ex: Russian Variations op. 111, Symphony n°7 "Romania" op. 122, String Quartet "Kraków" op.126,...).

My videos


Do you want more informations regarding the masterpieces of Matthieu LEGER?

Please, feel free to drop me an email with your queries.